
Summer Fleur De Reves

Summer Fleur De Reves

Summer Fleur De Reves

Our distinctive walkabout flower entertainment is the ultimate floral-themed show and is a magnificent and opulent choice for formal parties.
The newest iteration of Fleur de Raves, their sister act, our original design has been recreated in lovely tones of pink, cream, and summer green for a garden-fresh colour scheme just in time for the new spring/summer season.
These magnificent roaming flower hostesses provide on wow-factor impact with their specially crafted flower heads, creating a classy and sophisticated mood no matter your environment.
These botanical flower heads will fill your event with the fresh scent of a lovely or summer's day since they leave a gorgeous fresh, floral scent in their wake as they move and stroll.
A high-impact outfit rich in texture and colour is made by carefully fusing intricately arranged individual petals and flower heads. The drama is headed by the recognisable flower orbs of the flower hostesses.
Our stunning wandering floral hostesses will perfectly finish any garden, floral, or nature-themed event, providing an aura of elegant, grown-up sophistication. They are wonderful for any summertime occasion.
Our unique Summer Fleur de Raves flower heads, which are sure to spark interest and are ideal for Instagram, also offer a must-have photo opportunity for visitors. Our walkabout floral entertainment duo are great for new product launches, openings, influencer events, and branded parties since they are happy to pose for photos and are likely to go viral on social media.
A Pro Tip
Fleur de Raves, the sister act of our Spring flower heads, recently performed at the illustrious Knot Gala in New York; you can combine them with this lovely summer version for a combination of heavenly hues and double the effect at your next event.
Get in touch with our team of entertainment professionals, who will be pleased to assist you, to book our original Summer Fleur de Raves for distinctively fragrant and fresh floral entertainment.

Book now or send your inquiry via email or WhatsApp: +971 50 541 7318.